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... is a lean Application UI framework.

... is a cross-platform shared library.

... is made for Linux and Windows.

... offers one GUI and one C sourcecode for two systems.

... is lean and fast.

Fields of use:

With the Geeonx shared library and GeeonxCreator the interface of your application is created fast and easily. You can concentrate yourself on the features of your program and let Geeonx manage the GUI. Therefore Geeonx is suited to decrease the development time of you applications. Geeonx is a good choice for:

Desktop applications


Embedded systems


Geeonx has a lean, elegant and reduced interface. The interface design waives all sliders and window bars. Thus the windows have the look and feel of magazine pages. All windows functions are controlled with a hovering icon bar.


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GeeonxDemo running on Windows 10.

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GeeonxCreator running on Xubuntu Linux.

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GeeonxCreator running on Xubuntu Linux.

Efficiency and Ecology:

The Geeonx library for Linux has a size of 180 kb. The Windows library libgeeonx.dll has a size of 293 kb.

C is the high level programming language with the highest efficiency. Geeonx is made for programmers who want to write fast and efficient C programs.


Creating a text editing window with GeeonxCreator on Xubuntu

GeeonxDemo bitmap drawing on Xubuntu

Button works with GeeonxCreator.

Documentation and Download:

Get a quick guide to Geeonx programming and GeeonxCreator.

Get GeeonxCreator and library for Windows 10 64 bit as installer exe.

Get GeeonxCreator and library as 64 bit deb package.

Get GeeonxCreator and library as 64 bit rpm package.


Februar 2025 - Magnetic fit of objects during composing in GeeonxCreator.

September 2024 - rpm package available.


Geeonx is a crossplatform GUI-library for C programming language. You write one C sourcecode and compile it on Windows and Linux. With the tool GeeonxCreator you design one interface for the two main operating systems. Geeonx releases the developer from all redrawing tasks.

Geeonx draws and updates all GUI-elements like windows, pulldown-menus, icons, inputforms and buttons of your application that you have created before with the tool GeeonxCreator.

With the tool GeeonxCreator you are able to design all GUI-elements of your application. Geeonx stores the data of each and every GUI element in a corresponding Geeonx object. GeeonxCreator stores the GUI data into a *.gee and *.gew file. The Geeonx shared library will take over all drawings of GUI elements inclusive window content. The library will also handle all window, button or input events. For example with Geeonx your are able to create forms for the input of text by the user.

Hence it is very easy to program applications with windows, buttons and icons. For example to alter the content of a window you just change the text_string linked with the structure of the Geeonx_object. With the call of the function gee_draw_all_objects() the whole interface of the application will be updated.

The Geeonx library is written in C programming language and offers an API for the use with C/C++. You can create GUI applications for Linux and Windows with an identical sourcecode.

Use the source code of Geeonx demo application geeonx_demo.c as base frame for your own application.


Geeonx Library and GeeonxCreator can be used free of charge for private and business purposes according to corresponding EULAs (EULA Library and EULA Creator). Please ask also for the conditions of OEM-Licenses.


A computer with a x86-cpu with LINUX 64 bit or Windows 10 64 bit.
